Locking down performance with PHPBench
PHPBench is a benchmarking tool for PHP. It allows you to accurately measure the performance of code units. It is to performance what PHPUnit is to testing and is trusted by many popular open-source projects.
In this workshop participants will add performance tests to an existing application and learn how to:
- Setup PHPBench and create their first benchmark.
- Increase the accuracy of the benchmark.
- Compare performance and optimise the code.
- Render and customise beautiful reports.
- Dig into performance issues with KCacheGrind and XDebug.
- Use assertions to constrain performance.
Participants will leave knowing how easy it is to start performance testing their projects!
- PHP 8.1 installed locally
- Git
- Optionally: XDebug and KCacheGrind
- git clone https://github.com/dantleech/wsc-2024-phpbench
- cd wsc-2024-phpbench
- composer install